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Pease Pottage

Map and General Information

[Map showing Pease Pottage]

Pease Pottage lies just south of Crawley, approximately midway between London and Brighton in the south of England. Map shown here from Google Maps - click on the map to show the location on Google Maps.

Pease Pottage is Old English and translates to "pea soup".

The town of Crawley is a vast centre of modern industries, with a huge population of residents that has spilled over into the neighbouring countryside and towns for recreation, shopping and entertainment.
-- New Shell Guide to Britain, 1985

I haven't been able to find any textbooks which mention much at all about Pease Pottage - the National Trust Atlas (1981) contains a map showing the village's location, but that was about it.

Additional Notes

Pease Pottage has a service station, one pub (the Black Swan), and a florist.

Nearby locations visited in Business Unusual include Ashdown Forest, Kemp town in Brighton, and Hove immediately to the west of same.

Millennial Rites says it has a corner shop, and Business Unusual places Mel's home in Downview Crescent - these are both fictional (at least Downview Crescent doesn't appear on Google Maps!).


These pictures were provided by Marcus Durham.

The road into the village. (29,506kb) The centre of the village (72,528kb)

Related Links

Google Maps: Crawley and Pease Pottage, Pease Pottage, Pease Pottage (hybrid mode)
Wikipedia: Pease Pottage - Pease Pottage Information and Resources
Ted Croucher's page has a detailed Pease Pottage page.
Pease Pottage on
West Sussex County Council
Walking trails

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