Energy drink survey - Round ThreeRound three - the stragglers. I found another place near where I work which has a variety of energy drinks, so I sampled the rest. You might want to check out what the heck I'm drinking. Jolt ColaBottle: 340ml/$2.50 Before I found it, I originally thought it was made by the Coca Cola company, but apparently not. Other than the caffeine, there's not much other stimulatey stuff in it. Red Eye PlusBottle: 330ml/$2.95 Another product from the same people who brought us Red Eye Gold, but apparently this one had a lot less caffeine in it. Bull RushBottle: 500ml/$2.75 La Pacho - "Used as a medicine by Brazilian Indians for centuries, LaPacho is the inner bark of the Pau D'arco tree." This page I found on the web makes interesting reading as to what the heck this is, including that it reputedly cures cancer, alleviates arthritis, and various other things. Crikey. Handy InformationFor a while, I was drinking "Black Stallion" cause I liked the flavour, and
it was relatively cheap, however local supplies seem to have dried up... It should also be noted these products have warnings about not drinking them if you are sensitive to caffeine. | ||