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This site created using YIKES, Paint Shop Pro, and some homebake software. Pages are tested mainly in Firefox, but also Internet Explorer and Opera. I generally try to make sure pages are compatible with available browsers.

Content and design are claimed by Alden Bates, etc, etc, except bits where it isn't - Doctor Who belongs to the BBC; music, sounds and images belong to their respective owners; fanfiction and other fiction to its respective owners.

No serious attempt is made to infringe on trademarks, copyrights, etc, etc. Please do not reuse material from this web page without prior consent from the webmaster - it's only polite.

No cats, dogs, hamsters or other animals were harmed during the creation of this site. Plenty of computer programs were tortured mercilessly, however.

You may find that none of the images show up. This may be because this site employs hotlink protection which checks the referer field when you request graphics. Some firewalls and browsers insert invalid text into this field, such as "Field blocked by XXXXX", or random URLs.


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